upp över mina öron
ligger på mitt rosa moln och ser ut över världen.
Dagrna rullar på men på ett helt annat sätt än tidigare, nu för tiden är alla dagar för korta och är över alldeles för snabbt. Vet varken ut eller in som vanligt fast nu på ett possetivit sätt, skrattar bort mina dagar, längtar, önskar och tänker. Är varm men det är det bara jag som vet, en kännsla har tagit över och det är svårt att inte vara lite rädd samtidigt som man bara njuter av detta underbara lyckorus.
Lycka är att skratta bort dagarna
att önska att dom aldrig tog slut
att tycka att tiden är alldeles för kort
att längta varje vaken minut
I need to do it, Now
kämpar för att inte bryta ut i ett dans solo på tunelbanan.
kroppen skriker av abstinens snart brister det.
koreografier snurrar runt i huvet och kreativiteten flödar.
jag måste göra det, jag måste göra det nu, nu nu nu!
innan jag spricker. kan man förgås av dans abstinens?
Vila i frid, vi kanske syns i vårt nästa liv
De kom som en stor chock,
hur kunnde de här hända?
Hur kan det vara sant?
Det snurrar i mitt huvud och jag vet varken ut eller in.
Känns som en del av min barndom dog med dig.
Försöker minnas när jag senast träffade dig.
Försöker minnas den tiden då vi hängde.
Otroligt tuffa var vi.
Du är saknad och kommer förbli det.
Vila i frid gammle vän, vi ses i nangijala
Jonny Andersson
* 14 aug 1989
† 29 sep 2010
cut the crap
screaming at the top of my voice, yet no response
lite trasiga och knasiga
Trasdockorna <3
lie to me
with you I live among kings and queens
''You were my strength when i was weak
You were my voice when i couldn't speak
You were my eyes when i couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when i couldn't reach''
do you feel like a man when you push her around
Allt gick bra, du var ute ur mitt liv
och på fyra månader har jag inte hört ett ljud ifrån dig,
jag har inte änns så mycket som sätt dig och nu det här?
Känns det bra?
Räcker det inte med allting som hände?
Räcker det inte med dom tårar jag redan fällt?
Har du inte förstört tillräckligt?
Nu ska man alltså börja om på nytt igen,
men snart går det inte längre,
det finns inte så många olika stenar man kan vända på.
Jag måste härifrån.
Men tack för omtanken,
Ännu en kniv i ryggen, så nu ska ännu mer blod spillas?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
yet another sleepless night
ibland blir allting bara fel.
ibland blir kaoset för mycket för att klara av.
ibland orkar man inte mer,
ibland ger man upp.
ibland blir det bara för mycket.
hur ska det bli nu då?
you aint keep in touch
face down in the dirt
9 december 2008
tears are words the heart can't say
the darkness falls around me, and emptiness says hello, loneliness is here to stay and i'm giving in.
I will be strong, Even if it all goes wrong
For the longest time you've been the biggest part of my life,
and for so long you've been my light in the dark,
And I've walkt on a line even though it aint smart,
and from time to time I thought all was right, all for nothing
(tell me no, tell me it aint so)
'Couse look at ous now
(tell me we're aint hiding)
Well look at ous now
(Standing on our own two feet)
And when the dark knight comes to get ous
I wount go down whit out a fight...
('Couse I know I have you)
All the lies that we thought would protect ous
from the cold and dark reality,
well now we know it aint so
but well never stop grown'
'couse we can feel the earth moving
(whit every heartbeat)
But if I'd call you up,
(would you answer)
In the middel of the night
(would you answer)
If I'd sade I'm okay,
(would you listen)
If I'd say that life's great,
(would you listen)
Or would you read betwen the lines,
and hear me say ''life's a disaster ''
But look at me now
(some one has to se it)
Well look at me now
(I thought you knew me better than this)
And when the darkness falls around me
I will give up so easely..
(can you hear my cry?)
let the screaming of our hearts be our lullaby tonight
uncertain is the future but we still let it be.
Let's slumber in to our screaming hearts,
tonight lies the fog of heartbreak in the air.
But let's not forget that all is not lost,
let's not forget the memories of all that has been.
Even though we're hurting now, we'd be more lost if we forgott all that has been.
To find my knight I fled in to the night,
but only to realize that I now have to be my one hero.
No superman is gonna' save me now,
but I still have hope for a brighter day.
Tomorrow's maybe black, tommorrow maybe hard,
but to fall asleep without you is the hardest thing of all.
I write this not for pity, nor sorrow or for pain.
We're gonna' make it through this no matter who we blame.
What ever we decide the future is unclear,
uncertain is the road that lies ahead.
let the screaming of our hearts be our lullaby tonight,
though the fog of heartbreak is in the air
so this is how it is
So this is loneliness, this is it, this is time floating by. So this is emptiness, this is life, this is what's going on when no one is watching, It feels like you're all alone though you're in a room full of people, When no one is calling and no one is wondering what you're up to, It feels like you aren't there 'cause no one cares for your opinion. No one calls to see how you are doing, and if you want to hang out. So you find yourself all alone though you're in a room full of people 'cause it doesn't really feel like they want you there anyway, You find that the lyric to ''all by myself'' is fitting in on your days perfect right now, and it's this that makes the tears fall down.
So this is loneliness...
tomorrow is just an other yesterdays
I'm breaking free, I'm falling fast
my head is turned but i still look back
These shoes don't fit me anymore
and so I'm laying on the floor,
You sad you'd never let me go
but how were we of this to now
These shoos don't feet me any more
My bed's to big and that's for sure
why'd my parents always say you're to young but un other day
this is this and now is now, yesterdays fears, tomorrow tears
why dose the scares never stop to bleed, why's my lips always sealed?
this is this and now is now, a minute ago I was laughing loud
You're making promises you now you'll break
was this thing a big mistake
This town is now to small for me
I'm beautiful for all to se
You're handsome, smart and full of crap
as children sit on Santa's lap
This town is now to small for me
I can be all I want to be
why am I scared of the darker day's why do I see it in other ways
this is this and now is now, yesterdays fears, tomorrow tears
why dose the children always cry, why do your loved ones always die
this is this and now is now, a minute ago I was laughing loud
Yesterday is painted in red
tomorrow is in blue
Yesterday my friend was dead
tomorrow hi's serving stu
why am I scared of the darker day's why do I see it in other ways
this is this and now is now, yesterdays fears, tomorrow tears
why dose the scares never stop to bleed, why's my lips always sealed?
this is this and now is now, a minute ago I was laughing loud
we'll walk alone in fear
Kroppen är slut, huvudet är tomt, inte en dag till, jag orkar inte mer
Oh sweet Mr. Al
I believe I can stand up tall and hold my head up high,
I believe that I can find my way out in this dark blue sky,
I believe that I can face my fears whit out you by my side,
I believe that I can find my way I believe that that I can fly
In this life I've been so lost, I think I'm back on track
'cause my light shines brighter than the sun it self and I don't wanna' die,
for some time you've been in charge, you almost took my life
you took my friends and family, you let my lovers die.
I walked down the road of misery, whit only you by my side.
I cried and screamed whit out success, all the people just walked by,
But if I could do it all again I'd still walk down that road
'cause it made my who I am today, it made me find my way.
So thank you for the tears I've cried for all the lonely nights,
Thank you for killing all my dreams, it made me win my fight,
Thank you for all the blood you spilt, the scares are fainting now,
Thank you for helping me escape, but this is my good bye.
I believe I can stand up tall and hold my head up high,
I believe that I can find my way out in this dark blue sky,
I believe that I can face my fears whit out you by my side,
I believe that I can find my way I believe that that I can fly
Mr. Al you made me strong, but I'm stronger then you now
Mr. Al you herd my song, but I'm not singing for you now
Mr. Al oh sweet you were, you always were my friend.
Mr. Al you know me well, and all the time we spent,
Together we made some big mistakes, together we lost again,
Mr. Al oh sweet you were, but it all is in the past
Mr. Al good bye to you, you knew it never last
But thank you for the tears I've cried for all the lonely nights,
Thank you for killing all my dreams, it made me win the fight,
Thank you for all the blood you spilt, the scares are fainting now,
Thank you for helping me escape, but this is my good bye.
I believe I can stand up tall and hold my head up high,
I believe that I can find my way out in this dark blue sky,
I believe that I can face my fears whit out you by my side,
I believe that I can find my way I believe that that I can fly
I believe I can dance all night whit my hands raised to the sky,
I believe that I can find my way 'cause I'm stronger then you now,
I believe that I am beautiful, I believe that I am proud,
I believe that I can make it through, yes in fact I know this now
(I can stand up tall even if the tears are falling down)
I believe I can stand up tall and hold my head up high,
I believe that I can find my way out in this dark blue sky,
I believe that I can face my fears whit out you by my side,
I believe that I will find my way, yes I believe that that I can fly
silent tears in the night
How do I run when all bones are broken?
What do I do when the tears are falling down?
A kiss is sweet a hug is nice
my bed's to big and so is my thigs
A kiss so sweet can start a fight
my hair is blond but my legs kept tight
A kiss, that's were it start's you'll see
he'll fuck you up then let you be
I don't wanna' walk out that door
'couse I've walked that way before
and I just can't find a good reason
I don't wanna' lose you tonight
But we will never stop to fight
and the tears start's to look like a treason
How do I run when all bones are broken?
What do I do when the tears are falling down?
Were do I hide when the words are unspoken?
Who do I call when no one wants me around?
They looked you up, you ran away
but now you'll never find a way
They tried to warn you, but you ignored
it is your fault that we call you whore
They gave you love, they gave you all
and now you're trapped against the wall
I don't wanna' walk out that door
'couse I've walked that way before
and I just can't find a good reason
I don't wanna' lose you tonight
But we will never stop to fight
and the tears start's to look like a treason
How do I run when all bones are broken?
What do I do when the tears are falling down?
Were do I hide when the words are unspoken?
Who do I call when no one wants me around?
just take a look then let me know
you want it all or else you'll go
don't play whit me I need to know
you want it all or else you'll go
(just take it all but please don't go)
How do I run when all bones are broken?
What do I do when the tears are falling down?
Were do I hide when the words are unspoken?
Who do I call when no one wants me around?
What do I do when the tears are falling down?